Category Archives: grandavana


Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite

Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite

Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite
Boîte à cigares en bois faite à la main. Usine n° 4 50 23. État de l’AP. 8,1/4 pouces de long. 5,5 pouces de large. 2,5 pouces de hauteur. Intérieur partiellement doublé de papier. Bords extérieurs de la boîte découpés en papier. Extrêmement rare et pratiquement impossible à trouver. Tout Original et Authentique. Ne laissez pas celui-ci s’échapper. Cliquez sur le bouton Acheter maintenant avant que quelqu’un d’autre ne le fasse! REMARQUE: c’est le dernier d’entre eux que j’ai. Quand c’est parti – c’est parti! Description de l’article. Cette liste est pour une boîte à cigares en bois fait main Grandavana antique vintage en état d’occasion. Cet objet provient d’un collectionneur de longue date qui est actuellement en train de liquider certains objets personnels de l’inventaire qu’il possède depuis plusieurs années. Ce collectionneur particulier a passé sa vie à collectionner divers objets tels que des banques de métal coulé, des boîtes à cigares et d’autres objets d’intérêt historique, etc. La reliure en mousseline sur le couvercle est cassée, donc le couvercle n’est plus attaché à la boîte, mais il s’adapte toujours bien pour une bonne fermeture. J’ai ajusté le prix en fonction de ce défaut. État et description détaillés. Il s’agit d’une boîte à cigares de taille standard pour 50 cigares, mesurant environ 8 1/4 par 5,5 par 2,5 pouces. La structure de la boîte est complète, mais la reliure en mousseline est cassée au dos du couvercle. Le papier de doublure intérieur d’origine partielle est toujours en place. L’intérieur de cette boîte à cigares était autrefois tapissé de papier blanc, mais malheureusement, il en manque maintenant une partie du pont inférieur de l’intérieur et il s’est décoloré avec le temps. Le dessus du couvercle et les côtés (y compris les bords supérieurs et les coins) sont garnis de papier décoratif rouge, or et vert avec le nom de l’entreprise “Grandavana” imprimé partout. L’étiquette du couvercle intérieur a une excellente qualité d’affichage avec le nom de la bûche «Grandavana», une photo de quelques hommes travaillant dans un champ de tabac avec des maisons de ferme à l’arrière. De plus, les mots 5 cents chacun et 25 cents package apparaissent sur ce couvercle! Il a une impression brûlée directement sur le bois exposé sur le dessus du couvercle qui se lit “Grandavana” avec un décor de feuille d’art fantaisie. Emblème gravé estampillé « International Union of America », « Wood Workers » et « Union Made » sur le dessus du couvercle. Les parois latérales extérieures sont identiques à celles du couvercle intérieur. Je crois que cela était à l’origine représenté sur les deux murs latéraux, mais il manque la photo d’un côté. Les coins extérieurs de la boîte montrent une certaine usure et il manque la garniture de papier par endroits, mais l’état général est bon compte tenu de son âge. (Veuillez voir toutes les photos de cette liste pour une vue précise). Les timbres fiscaux en papier bleu d’origine sont présents, mais encore une fois, en raison de l’âge, une partie du papier et de l’impression s’est usée par endroits. Le couvercle de la boîte est légèrement déformé par l’âge. Et la reliure en mousseline est cassée. Cette boîte est originale et authentique et n’a été ni nettoyée ni modifiée de quelque façon que ce soit. De bonnes vieilles boîtes à cigares de collection, rétro, vintage et souvent rares seraient une touche spéciale à la collection d’articles « oldie but goodie » de quiconque! Nous garantissons d’emballer cet article avec un soin extrême pour une arrivée en toute sécurité à votre porte. Il y a un tampon au bas de cette boîte qui dit. District de PA et le numéro 50. Une étiquette qui indique. Avis – Les fabricants des cigares contenus dans le présent document se sont conformés à toutes les exigences de la loi – Toute personne est avertie de ne pas utiliser à nouveau cette boîte pour cigares ou le timbre là-bas afin de ne pas retirer le contenu de cette barre sans détruire ledit timbre sous les peines prévues par la loi dans de tels cas. Les dimensions de cette boite à cigares sont. 2,15 pouces de hauteur. Je crois que cette taille de boîte à cigares contenait à l’origine 50 cigares. Les collectionneurs sérieux paient des prix élevés pour des objets historiques, uniques et significatifs en parfait état. Des pièces très anciennes et rares sont souvent disputées sur la place du marché. Pendant deux siècles, chaque fois que quelqu’un entendait l’expression « boîte à cigares », une vision d’un rectangle de bois recouvert d’étiquettes en papier surgissait dans sa tête. Il le devrait, car des centaines de millions de boîtes comme celle-ci ont été fabriquées. Ils sont appelés de manière descriptive « boîtes en bois clouées » par les personnes qui les fabriquent. Ils ont été fabriqués dans une variété presque infinie de formes et de tailles allant d’à peine plus d’un pouce à plus de deux pieds de large. Les boîtes en bois cloué sont généralement constituées de six pièces de bois : un haut, un bas, un avant et un arrière, et deux embouts cloués avec quatorze clous, quatre à chaque extrémité et six dans le bas. Le couvercle est articulé par une bande de mousseline collée sur le dessus et le dos. La charnière et les joints où les morceaux de bois se rencontrent sont généralement recouverts d’une bande de papier appelée bordure. Les caisses en bois clouées n’ont changé qu’une seule fois en près de 200 ans. Jusqu’aux années 1880, les couvercles reposaient sur les quatre côtés d’une boîte, ce qui permettait aux couvercles des années 1870 de se tordre, un fait déploré par les collectionneurs d’aujourd’hui. Les hommes de boîte ont redessiné les couvercles de manière à ce qu’ils reposent à l’avant et à l’arrière, mais soient insérés entre les deux extrémités, empêchant ainsi la torsion. Les deux types de couvercles sont aujourd’hui appelés « couvercles généraux » et « couvercles encastrés ». Lorsqu’un client dit à un fabricant de boîtes qu’il veut une « boîte garnie », il dit un raccourci pour. « La boîte entière doit être bordée de bandes de papier d’un pouce de large, l’intérieur du couvercle a une étiquette en papier, les côtés et le fond sont recouverts de papier, et diverses étiquettes, rabats, bannières et autocollants de prix sont attachés au besoin. Le dessus extérieur du couvercle doit être marqué ou étiqueté, le devant peut être imprimé avec le nom donné à cette taille et à cette forme de cigare, et toutes les mentions légales appropriées sont attachées ou imprimées sur la boîte. Vous pouvez voir pourquoi les gens l’ont raccourci en “coupé”. La plupart des garnitures ont été collées par le fabricant de la boîte. La fabrique de cigares a également ajouté des garnitures aux boîtes, en apposant l’étiquette extérieure, une marque de couleur (à une extrémité), une étiquette à ongles et un timbre fiscal. Les tailles, les formes, les couleurs et l’emplacement des garnitures n’ont que légèrement changé au fil du temps. Trim est le nom donné par l’industrie de la boîte à toutes les étiquettes et marquages?? Appliqués d’une manière ou d’une autre à une boîte à cigares. Certaines garnitures sont appliquées par le fabricant de boîtes et d’autres sont collées ou estampées par la fabrique de cigares une fois que la boîte est remplie de cigares. Quelques morceaux de garniture peuvent être appliqués par l’un ou l’autre. La plupart des garnitures sont facultatives. Certains sont requis par la loi. Les grands lithographes proposaient des catalogues d’images de stock. Plus de 250 000 images ont été rapportées, couvrant tous les thèmes possibles : jolies filles, hommes célèbres, célébrités, animaux, scènes et événements locaux… Si cela pouvait être imaginé et dessiné, c’est devenu une étiquette de cigare. La boîte en bois cloué a dominé l’industrie du cigare jusqu’à ce que la hausse des coûts après la Seconde Guerre mondiale encourage l’utilisation de boîtes en carton. Les boîtes à cigares sont des conteneurs dans lesquels les cigares sont vendus au détail, contrairement aux boîtes décoratives en bois appelées caves à cigares vendues vides par les buralistes et les grands magasins, les artisans et les magasins spécialisés pour permettre aux fumeurs de stocker les cigares sur un bureau. La forme classique d’emballage de cigares, fabriquée à partir d’une variété de bois tels que l’acajou de Cuba et du Honduras, le séquoia, le tilleul et plus de vingt autres bois rares et communs. Les fabricants de cigares, les fabricants de boîtes et les collectionneurs classent les boîtes à cigares en bois comme suit. Bois cloué avec quincaillerie. Des nouveautés ou du travail sur mesure. Les boîtes ont été faites de dizaines de bois différents, d’étain, d’aluminium, de laiton, d’argent, de verre, de plastique, de carton et d’autres matériaux. Les boîtes sont normalement conçues pour contenir 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 ou 250 cigares, bien que quelques autres tailles soient autorisées. Ils sont souvent richement décorés. Les fabriques de cigares du XIXe siècle, grandes et petites, assemblaient fréquemment leurs propres boîtes, souvent la tâche des enfants dans une entreprise familiale. La collection de boîtes à cigares décorées et de fantaisie est un passe-temps de plus en plus populaire en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Les boîtes en bois clouées taillées avec des étiquettes intéressantes, les boîtes de fantaisie aux formes inhabituelles et les boîtes en fer blanc imprimées sont les plus populaires. Les échantillons de vendeurs, les étiquettes de vanité et divers thèmes tels que le sports, la médecine, la politique ou les jolies filles sont fréquemment l’objet de l’attention des collectionneurs. Il existe deux sortes de boîtes à cigares : le bois et tout le reste. Entre 1800 et 1960, environ 80% de toutes les boîtes à cigares étaient en bois. Cela équivaut à environ 8 000 000 000 (une estimation raisonnable) de boîtes à cigares en bois. Un autre 2 000 000 000 de « boîtes » à cigares étaient faites de carton, d’étain, de verre, de plastique, de papier d’aluminium, d’aluminium, d’étain, de laiton, de porcelaine, de céramique, de métal argenté et de feuilles de palmier. Ce n’est qu’avec la loi sur le revenu de 1864 que tous les cigares devaient être emballés dans des boîtes, et en 1865, le président Lincoln promulgué une loi exigeant qu’ils soient emballés en paquets de 25, 50, 100 ou 250. Peu de temps après, les cigares sont devenus moins chers et plus disponibles, et bon nombre des boîtes dans lesquelles ils sont entrés sont considérées comme des objets de collection sur le marché actuel. Parfait comme humidificateur, boîte à pistolet, boîte aux lettres ou tout ce à quoi vous pouvez penser. Surtout, un excellent sujet de conversation car il s’affiche fièrement dans votre collection. Presque tout le monde avait ses trésors ou certains de ses objets personnels cachés dans une vieille boîte à cigares. Et il faut bien l’admettre, voir une vieille boîte à cigares provoque toujours une vague de souvenirs nostalgiques. Les relations étroites forcées des personnes du passé et l’espace limité pour les familles vivant ensemble – souvent dans une seule pièce, nécessitaient une identification correcte de chaque objet personnel, de sorte que de nombreuses personnes utilisaient des boîtes à cigares pour ranger leurs petits effets de rasage, articles de toilette et plusieurs fois des bijoux précieux. Vous avez lu jusqu’ici et n’avez toujours pas cliqué sur le bouton Acheter maintenant. Qu’est-ce que tu attends? Il vaut mieux actualiser cette page car quelqu’un d’autre a peut-être commencé à lire avant vous et l’a déjà acheté. Pour vous assurer d’obtenir cet article! Il n’y a pas si longtemps, après m’être laissé distraire par autre chose, j’ai cliqué sur le bouton Acheter maintenant sur une annonce, seulement pour découvrir qu’elle était déjà vendue! L’inconvénient de “Regarder cet article”. Souvent, j’entends des gens qui espèrent en avoir un autre à lister et qui sont attristés parce qu’ils ont ajouté mon article à leur liste de surveillance alors qu’ils attendaient la fin d’une autre vente aux enchères (pensant que pour une raison quelconque, le reste du monde a raté ce qu’ils pensaient aller être une bonne affaire) pour être à nouveau déçu à la fin lorsque l’autre article a fait une enchère au cours des dernières minutes, comme cela arrive souvent, et s’est vendu bien plus cher qu’ils n’auraient pu acheter le mien avec l’achat immédiat. Malheureusement pour eux, le seul que j’avais a été vendu quelques jours plus tôt et le nouveau propriétaire l’avait déjà reçu à ce moment-là (puisque j’expédie habituellement le même jour – lisez certains des commentaires dans les commentaires que les acheteurs ont postés pour nous). Vous remarquerez dans nos commentaires que de nombreux acheteurs sont fiers de leur sage décision de sécuriser leur achat et de recevoir leur article immédiatement via l’achat immédiat. Ne soyez pas seulement un observateur. Entrez dans le jeu, faites-moi une offre, faites ma journée – Aucune offre raisonnable refusée. Nous sommes impatients de vous fournir toute information complémentaire que vous désirez ou de répondre à vos questions. Soyez assuré que vous recevrez des réponses rapides et que nos informations sont exactes et précises. Questions et reponses au sujet de cet article. » rubrique en bas de cette page. Ou par téléphone au. POURQUOI ACHETER CHEZ NOUS? Nous expédions sous 1 jour ouvrable – généralement le même jour. Notre emplacement central aux États-Unis offre une livraison plus rapide. Vous ne payez que le coût réel de l’affranchissement. Pas de frais cachés ni de suppléments trompeurs. Aucun frais pour les matériaux d’emballage ou la main-d’ouvre. 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C’est pourquoi nous avons toujours traité nos clients comme nous voudrions être traités. Nous sommes toujours disposés à fournir des références crédibles qui sont facilement VÉRIFIABLES par les entreprises locales, le gouvernement et les forces de l’ordre sur demande. Nous espérons que vous commencerez par consulter notre excellent dossier de commentaires. Étant donné que statistiquement, seulement un tiers environ prennent le temps de laisser des commentaires, on peut supposer qu’il y a facilement 8 498 autres personnes (12 747 au total) qui sont tout aussi satisfaites mais n’ont pas pris le temps de poster des commentaires. Croyez-moi, les gens mécontents laisseront presque toujours des commentaires négatifs ou neutres, dont nous n’avons presque aucun, pour une bonne raison. 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Devise au moment du ramassage local. , les mêmes tarifs réduits que nous recevons répercutent les mêmes économies sur l’acheteur. L’acheteur est également invité à prendre ses propres dispositions de transport et nous assurerons la coordination avec le transporteur de l’acheteur pour le ramassage. Les États-Unis d’Amérique. L’importation dans le pays de destination et le respect de toute règle ou réglementation supplémentaire imposée par tout pays dont l’expédition traversera les frontières. Si un article est restreint ou interdit d’importation dans le pays de l’acheteur par une réglementation gouvernementale, l’acheteur est seul responsable de l’organisation du transport FOB/FCA notre emplacement dans. Contactez-nous avec tous les détails des dommages immédiatement. Nous contacterons le transporteur et déposerons une réclamation pour dommages et ils vous contacteront pour coordonner une inspection et/ou récupérer l’envoi. Les réclamations pour les marchandises endommagées pendant le transport peuvent prendre jusqu’à six semaines. Dès que le transporteur termine le processus d’inspection, paie la réclamation et/ou nous renvoie toute partie non endommagée de l’envoi, nous remplacerons l’article si nous le pouvons, et sinon nous procéderons à un remboursement immédiat. Les informations qui nous sont fournies ne seront jamais fournies à des tiers – à moins que vous ne donniez l’autorisation expresse de le faire. Nous respectons votre vie privée et ne participons pas à la pratique de vente ou de distribution d’informations sur les acheteurs pour quelque raison que ce soit. Nous n’utiliserons jamais vos informations personnelles ou commerciales d’une manière qui viole votre vie privée. Lorsque vous nous fournissez des informations, elles ne seront utilisées que de la manière qui vous a été clairement indiquée, avec votre reconnaissance et votre autorisation préalable. Politique de retour de 14 jours. Et nous devons recevoir l’article dans les 14 jours. Toutes les autres politiques de retour comme indiqué ici s’appliquent. Pour des conditions générales supplémentaires, veuillez consulter la section Commentaires ci-dessous. Merci d’avoir lu, compris et accepté nos termes, conditions et politiques. Nous sommes impatients de négocier avec des acheteurs de qualité comme vous. Les marques et marques déposées sont la propriété de leurs propriétaires respectifs. This item is in the category “Objets de collection\Tobacciana\Cigares\Boîtes à cigares”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: – Sans marque/Générique -
  • Pays/région de fabrication: États-Unis

Grandavana Vintage Antique Vide Main Fabriqué en Bois Humidor Garni Cigare Boite

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
Hand Made Wooden Cigar Box. Factory No 4 50 23. 8.1/4 inches long. 5.5 inches wide. 2.5 inches tall. Partially paper lined interior. Paper trimmed outer box edges. Extremely rare, and virtually impossible to find. All Original and Authentic. Don’t let this be the one that got away. NOTE: This is the last one of these I have. When it’s gone – it’s gone! This listing is for one vintage antique Grandavana handmade wooden cigar box in pre-owned condition. This item comes from a long time collector who is currently liquidating some personal items from inventory in which they have owned for several years. This particular collector has spent a lifetime collecting diverse items such as cast metal banks, cigar boxes, and other things of historic interest, etc, and has always stored such items in a curio-type display cabinet free from dust, sunlight or other elements. The muslin binding on the lid is broken so the lid no longer is attached to the box, but it still fits nicely for a good closure. I have adjusted the price according due to this flaw. Detailed Condition and Description. This is a standard-sized cigar box for 50 cigars, measuring approximately 8 1/4 by 5.5 by 2.5 inches. The box structure is complete, but the muslin binding is broken on the back of the lid. Partial original inner lining paper is still in place. The inside of this cigar box was lined with white paper at one time, but unfortunately, some of it is now missing from the bottom deck of the interior and it has become discolored with age. The top of the lid and the sides (including the top edges and corners) are trimmed with red, gold, and green decorative paper with the company name “Grandavana” printed throughout. The inner lid label has terrific display quality with “Grandavana” log name, picture of a couple men working in a tobacco field with farm houses in the back. Also the words 5cents each and 25 cent package appear on this lid! It has burnt-in imprinting directly on exposed wood on the top of the lid that reads “Grandavana” with a fancy leaf art work décor. Burnt-in emblem stamped “International Union of America, ” “Wood Workers, ” and “Union Made” on the top of the lid. The outside side walls pictures the same as the inside lid. I believe this originally was pictured on both side walls, but one side is missing the photo. The outside box corners show some wear and is missing the paper trim in places, but overall condition is good considering its age. (Please view all photos in this listing for an accurate view). The lid of the box is slightly warped from age. And the muslin binding is broken. This box is original and authentic and has not been cleaned or altered in any way. Good old collectible, retro, vintage and often times rare cigar boxes would be a special touch to anyone’s collection of “oldie but goodie” items! We guarantee to pack this item with extreme care for safe arrival to your doorstep. There is a stamping on the bottom of this box that reads. District of PA and the number 50. A label that reads. Notice – The manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained have complied with all the requirements of Law – Every person is cautioned not to use either this box for cigars again or the stamp there as again not to remove the contents of this bar without destroying said stamp under the penalties provided by Law in such cases. The dimensions of this cigar box are. 2.15 inches tall. I believe this size of cigar box originally held 50 cigars. Serious collectors pay high prices for historic, unique and significant items in top condition. Very old and rare pieces are often fought over in the market place. For two centuries, every time someone heard the phrase “cigar box” a vision of a wood rectangle covered with paper labels popped into their head. It should, because hundreds of millions of boxes like that have been made. They’re descriptively called “nailed wood boxes” by the people who make them. They were manufactured in an almost endless variety of shapes and sizes from barely over one inch to more than two feet wide. Nailed Wood boxes are usually made from six pieces of wood: a top, a bottom, a front and back, and two end pieces nailed with fourteen nails, four in each end and six in the bottom. The lid is hinged by a strip of muslin glued to the top and back. The hinge and joints where pieces of wood meet are usually covered with a strip of paper called edging. Nailed wood boxes have changed only once in nearly 200 years. Until the 1880’s lids rested on all four sides of a box, which allowed lids of the 1870’s to twist off, a fact lamented by today’s collectors. Box men redesigned lids so that they rested on the front and back, but were inset between the two ends, thus preventing twist. The two types of lid are today called’overall lids” and “inset lids. When a customer tells a box maker he wants a “trimmed box” he is saying shorthand for. The entire box is to be edged with inch wide paper strips, the inside of the lid has a paper label, the sides and bottom are lined with paper, and various tags, flaps, banners and price stickers are attached as needed. The outside top of the lid is to be branded or labeled, the front may be imprinted with the name given that size and shape of cigar, and all proper legal notices are attached or printed on the box. You can see why people shortened it to trimmed. Most trim was pasted on by the box maker. The cigar factory also added trim to boxes, putting on the outer label, color mark (on one end), nail tag, and revenue stamp. Sizes, shapes, colors and placement of trim has changed only slightly over time. Trim is the name given by the box industry to all the labels and markings applied in one way or another to a cigar box. Some trim is applied by the box maker and other trim is pasted or stamped by the cigar factory after the box is packed full of cigars. A few pieces of trim may be applied by either. Most trim is optional. Some is required by law. The major lithographers offered catalogs of stock images. More than 250,000 images have been reported, covering every possible theme: pretty girls, famous men, celebrities, animals, local scenes and events… If it could be imagined and drawn, it became a cigar label. The Nailed Wood box dominated the cigar industry until rising costs after WWII encouraged the use of cardboard boxes. The classic form of cigar packaging, made from a variety of woods such as Cuban and Honduran mahogany, redwood, basswood, and more than twenty other rare and common woods. Cigar companies, box makers and collectors classify wooden cigar boxes as. Nailed wood with hardware. Ovelties or custom work. Boxes have been made of dozens of different woods, tin, aluminum, brass, silver plate, glass, plastic, cardboard, and other materials. Boxes are normally made to hold 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 250 cigars, though a few other sizes are permitted. They are often richly decorated. Nineteenth century cigar factories, large and small, frequently assembled their own boxes, often the task of children in a family enterprise. Collecting decorated and novelty cigar boxes is an increasingly popular hobby in both Europe and North America. Trimmed nailed wood boxes with interesting labels, novelty boxes in unusual shapes and printed tin boxes are the most popular. Salesmen’s samples, vanity labels, and various themes such as SPORTS, medicine, politics or pretty girls are frequently objects of collector’s attention. There are two kinds of cigar boxes: wood and everything else. Between 1800 and 1960 around 80% of all cigar boxes were made of wood. That amounts to somewhere around 8,000,000,000 (a reasonable estimate) wooden cigar boxes. Another 2,000,000,000 cigar “boxes” were made of cardboard, tin, glass, plastic, tin foil, aluminum, pewter, brass, china, ceramics, silverplate and palm leaves. It wasn’t until the Revenue Act of 1864 that all cigars were required to be packed in boxes, and in 1865, President Lincoln enacted a law that required they be packed in bundles of 25, 50, 100, or 250. Shortly thereafter, cigars became cheaper and more available, and many of the boxes that they came in are considered collectible items in today’s market. Perfect as a humidor, gun box, mailbox or anything else you can think of. Most of all, a great conversation piece as it proudly displays in your collection. Almost everybody had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box. And you have to admit, seeing an old cigar box always causes a rush of nostalgic memories. The forced close relationships of people from the past, and the limited space for the families living together- often in one room, necessitated proper identification of each personal item, so many people used cigar boxes to store their small belongings of shaving gear, toiletries and many times precious jewelry. What are you waiting for? Better refresh this page because someone else may have started reading before you and already bought this. To ensure you get this item! The downside of “Watch this item”. Don’t just be a watcher. Get in the game, make me an offer, make my day – No reasonable offer refused. We are eager to supply you with any further information you desire or answer questions you may have. Please be assured that you will receive prompt replies and find our information to be accurate and precise. ” link in the “. Questions and answers about this item. Section at the bottom of this page. No charge for packaging materials or labor. Professional packing to protect your items. To check out our other items. Interest Free Layaway Available. To see what thousands of people have to say about doing business with us. We have always been richly rewarded by our repeat customers since we know that if we do it right, they will tell two friends, but do it wrong and they will tell everybody! It takes a lifetime to earn an impeccable reputation like ours and we know that it only takes a moment to destroy it. This is why we have always dealt with our customers the way we would want to be treated. We are always willing to supply credible references that are easily VERIFIABLE through local business, government, and law enforcement upon request. We hope you will start with viewing our outstanding feedback record. Since statistically only about a third take the time to leave feedback, it is safe to assume that there are easily another 8,498 people (12,747 total) who are just as satisfied but did not take the time to post feedback. Believe me, unhappy people will almost always leave negative or neutral feedback, of which we have almost none, for good reason. To eliminate any possible misunderstanding, please do not assume or take for granted anything not specifically stated in listing description. We will reply as promptly as possible. Sales Information & Policies. We established in 1979 for our business and as stated herein. Only what is specified in the description and/or pictured is included. Must be via FedWire and from outside the. Via the SWIFT wire service (the same services most banks use). If credit cards are used, it is agreed that no charge-backs are allowed for any reason. Failure to do so will result in the item being considered unpaid and dealt with accordingly (see “Unpaid Items” section below). United States of America. Claims for goods damaged in transit can take up to six weeks. Information provided to us will never be provided to any third party – unless you give express permission to do so. We will never use your personal or business information in any way that violates your privacy. When you provide any information to us, it will only be used in such a manner as has been made clear to you, with your acknowledgement and prior permission. And we must receive the item back within 14 days. All other return policies as stated herein apply. For additional terms & conditions, please see the Feedback Section below. Thank you for reading, understanding, and agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies. We look forward to trading with quality buyers like you. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Tobacciana\Cigars\Cigar Boxes”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box. This product data sheet is originally written in English. Hand Made Wooden Cigar Box. Factory No 4 50 23. 8.1/4 inches long. 5.5 inches wide. 2.5 inches tall. Partially paper lined interior. Paper trimmed outer box edges. Extremely rare, and virtually impossible to find. All Original and Authentic. Dont let this be the one that got away. NOTE: This is the last one of these I have. When its gone – its gone! This listing is for one vintage antique Grandavana handmade wooden cigar box in pre-owned condition. This item comes from a long time collector who is currently liquidating some personal items from inventory in which they have owned for several years. This particular collector has spent a lifetime collecting diverse items such as cast metal banks, cigar boxes, and other things of historic interest, etc, and has always stored such items in a curio-type display cabinet free from dust, sunlight or other elements. The muslin binding on the lid is broken so the lid no longer is attached to the box, but it still fits nicely for a good closure. I have adjusted the price according due to this flaw. Detailed Condition and Description. This is a standard-sized cigar box for 50 cigars, measuring approximately 8 1/4 by 5.5 by 2.5 inches. The box structure is complete, but the muslin binding is broken on the back of the lid. Partial original inner lining paper is still in place. The inside of this cigar box was lined with white paper at one time, but unfortunately, some of it is now missing from the bottom deck of the interior and it has become discolored with age. The top of the lid and the sides (including the top edges and corners) are trimmed with red, gold, and green decorative paper with the company name Grandavana printed throughout. The inner lid label has terrific display quality with Grandavana log name, picture of a couple men working in a tobacco field with farm houses in the back. Also the words 5cents each and 25 cent package appear on this lid! It has burnt-in imprinting directly on exposed wood on the top of the lid that reads Grandavana with a fancy leaf art work décor. Burnt-in emblem stamped International Union of America, Wood Workers, and Union Made on the top of the lid. The outside side walls pictures the same as the inside lid. I believe this originally was pictured on both side walls, but one side is missing the photo. The outside box corners show some wear and is missing the paper trim in places, but overall condition is good considering its age. (Please view all photos in this listing for an accurate view). The lid of the box is slightly warped from age. And the muslin binding is broken. This box is original and authentic and has not been cleaned or altered in any way. Good old collectible, retro, vintage and often times rare cigar boxes would be a special touch to anyone’s collection of “oldie but goodie” items! We guarantee to pack this item with extreme care for safe arrival to your doorstep. There is a stamping on the bottom of this box that reads. District of PA and the number 50. A label that reads. Notice – The manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained have complied with all the requirements of Law – Every person is cautioned not to use either this box for cigars again or the stamp there as again not to remove the contents of this bar without destroying said stamp under the penalties provided by Law in such cases. The dimensions of this cigar box are. 2.15 inches tall. I believe this size of cigar box originally held 50 cigars. Serious collectors pay high prices for historic, unique and significant items in top condition. Very old and rare pieces are often fought over in the market place. For two centuries, every time someone heard the phrase cigar box a vision of a wood rectangle covered with paper labels popped into their head. It should, because hundreds of millions of boxes like that have been made. Theyre descriptively called nailed wood boxes by the people who make them. They were manufactured in an almost endless variety of shapes and sizes from barely over one inch to more than two feet wide. Nailed Wood boxes are usually made from six pieces of wood: a top, a bottom, a front and back, and two end pieces nailed with fourteen nails, four in each end and six in the bottom. The lid is hinged by a strip of muslin glued to the top and back. The hinge and joints where pieces of wood meet are usually covered with a strip of paper called edging. Nailed wood boxes have changed only once in nearly 200 years. Until the 1880s lids rested on all four sides of a box, which allowed lids of the 1870s to twist off, a fact lamented by todays collectors. Box men redesigned lids so that they rested on the front and back, but were inset between the two ends, thus preventing twist. The two types of lid are today called overall lids and inset lids. When a customer tells a box maker he wants a trimmed box he is saying shorthand for. The entire box is to be edged with inch wide paper strips, the inside of the lid has a paper label, the sides and bottom are lined with paper, and various tags, flaps, banners and price stickers are attached as needed. The outside top of the lid is to be branded or labeled, the front may be imprinted with the name given that size and shape of cigar, and all proper legal notices are attached or printed on the box. You can see why people shortened it to trimmed. Most trim was pasted on by the box maker. The cigar factory also added trim to boxes, putting on the outer label, color mark (on one end), nail tag, and revenue stamp. Sizes, shapes, colors and placement of trim has changed only slightly over time. Trim is the name given by the box industry to all the labels and markings applied in one way or another to a cigar box. Some trim is applied by the box maker and other trim is pasted or stamped by the cigar factory after the box is packed full of cigars. A few pieces of trim may be applied by either. Most trim is optional. Some is required by law. The major lithographers offered catalogs of stock images. More than 250,000 images have been reported, covering every possible theme: pretty girls, famous men, celebrities, animals, local scenes and events… If it could be imagined and drawn, it became a cigar label. The Nailed Wood box dominated the cigar industry until rising costs after WWII encouraged the use of cardboard boxes. The classic form of cigar packaging, made from a variety of woods such as Cuban and Honduran mahogany, redwood, basswood, and more than twenty other rare and common woods. Cigar companies, box makers and collectors classify wooden cigar boxes as. Nailed wood with hardware. Ovelties or custom work. Boxes have been made of dozens of different woods, tin, aluminum, brass, silver plate, glass, plastic, cardboard, and other materials. Boxes are normally made to hold 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 250 cigars, though a few other sizes are permitted. They are often richly decorated. Nineteenth century cigar factories, large and small, frequently assembled their own boxes, often the task of children in a family enterprise. Collecting decorated and novelty cigar boxes is an increasingly popular hobby in both Europe and North America. Trimmed nailed wood boxes with interesting labels, novelty boxes in unusual shapes and printed tin boxes are the most popular. Salesmens samples, vanity labels, and various themes such as SPORTS, medicine, politics or pretty girls are frequently objects of collectors attention. There are two kinds of cigar boxes: wood and everything else. Between 1800 and 1960 around 80% of all cigar boxes were made of wood. That amounts to somewhere around 8,000,000,000 (a reasonable estimate) wooden cigar boxes. Another 2,000,000,000 cigar boxes were made of cardboard, tin, glass, plastic, tin foil, aluminum, pewter, brass, china, ceramics, silverplate and palm leaves. It wasnt until the Revenue Act of 1864 that all cigars were required to be packed in boxes, and in 1865, President Lincoln enacted a law that required they be packed in bundles of 25, 50, 100, or 250. Shortly thereafter, cigars became cheaper and more available, and many of the boxes that they came in are considered collectible items in todays market. Perfect as a humidor, gun box, mailbox or anything else you can think of. Most of all, a great conversation piece as it proudly displays in your collection. Almost everybody had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box. And you have to admit, seeing an old cigar box always causes a rush of nostalgic memories. The forced close relationships of people from the past, and the limited space for the families living together- often in one room, necessitated proper identification of each personal item, so many people used cigar boxes to store their small belongings of shaving gear, toiletries and many times precious jewelry. What are you waiting for? Better refresh this page because someone else may have started reading before you and already bought this. To ensure you get this item! The downside of Watch this item. Don’t just be a watcher. Get in the game, make me an offer, make my day – No reasonable offer refused. We are eager to supply you with any further information you desire or answer questions you may have. Please be assured that you will receive prompt replies and find our information to be accurate and precise. Questions and answers about this item. Section at the bottom of this page. No charge for packaging materials or labor. Professional packing to protect your items. To check out our other items. Interest Free Layaway Available. To see what thousands of people have to say about doing business with us. We have always been richly rewarded by our repeat customers since we know that if we do it right, they will tell two friends, but do it wrong and they will tell everybody! It takes a lifetime to earn an impeccable reputation like ours and we know that it only takes a moment to destroy it. This is why we have always dealt with our customers the way we would want to be treated. We are always willing to supply credible references that are easily VERIFIABLE through local business, government, and law enforcement upon request. We hope you will start with viewing our outstanding feedback record. Since statistically only about a third take the time to leave feedback, it is safe to assume that there are easily another 8,498 people (12,747 total) who are just as satisfied but did not take the time to post feedback. Believe me, unhappy people will almost always leave negative or neutral feedback, of which we have almost none, for good reason. To eliminate any possible misunderstanding, please do not assume or take for granted anything not specifically stated in listing description. We will reply as promptly as possible. Sales Information & Policies. We established in 1979 for our business and as stated herein. Only what is specified in the description and/or pictured is included. Must be via FedWire and from outside the. Via the SWIFT wire service (the same services most banks use). If credit cards are used, it is agreed that no charge-backs are allowed for any reason. Failure to do so will result in the item being considered unpaid and dealt with accordingly (see Unpaid Items section below). United States of America. Claims for goods damaged in transit can take up to six weeks. Information provided to us will never be provided to any third party – unless you give express permission to do so. We will never use your personal or business information in any way that violates your privacy. When you provide any information to us, it will only be used in such a manner as has been made clear to you, with your acknowledgement and prior permission. And we must receive the item back within 14 days. All other return policies as stated herein apply. For additional terms & conditions, please see the Feedback Section below. Thank you for reading, understanding, and agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies. We look forward to trading with quality buyers like you. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. The item “GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box” is in sale since Thursday, May 23, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectables\Tobacciana & Smoking Supplies\Cigar Collectables & Accs\Cigar Boxes”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in Monticello, Illinois. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box

Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box

Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box
Wenn Sie von dem US Marktplatz bestellen, können für die Pakete Steuern und Zollgebühren anfallen, die der Käufer später tragen muss. Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Handgemachte Zigarrenschachtel aus Holz. 8,1 / 4 Zoll lang. 5,5 cm breit. 2,5 cm groß. Teilweise mit Papier ausgekleideter Innenraum. Äußerst selten und praktisch unmöglich zu finden. Alles original und authentisch. Lass das nicht derjenige sein, der entkommen ist. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche “Jetzt kaufen”, bevor dies jemand anderes tut! HINWEIS: Dies ist die letzte davon, die ich habe. Wenn es weg ist – ist es weg! Diese Auflistung ist für eine Vintage antike Grandavana handgefertigte hölzerne Zigarrenschachtel in gebrauchtem Zustand. Dieser Gegenstand stammt von einem langjährigen Sammler, der derzeit einige persönliche Gegenstände aus dem Inventar liquidiert, in dessen Besitz sie sich seit mehreren Jahren befinden. Dieser besondere Sammler hat ein Leben lang verschiedene Gegenstände wie Metallgussbänke, Zigarrenschachteln und andere Dinge von historischem Interesse usw. Gesammelt und diese Gegenstände immer in einer kuriosen Vitrine aufbewahrt, die frei von Staub, Sonnenlicht oder anderen Elementen ist. Aufgrund dieses Fehlers habe ich den Preis entsprechend angepasst. Detaillierter Zustand und Beschreibung. Dies ist eine Zigarrenschachtel in Standardgröße für 50 Zigarren mit einer Größe von ca. 8 1/4 x 5,5 x 2,5 Zoll. Die Boxstruktur ist vollständig, aber die Musselinbindung ist auf der Rückseite des Deckels gebrochen. Teilweise originales Innenfutterpapier ist noch vorhanden. Das Innere dieser Zigarrenschachtel war einst mit weißem Papier ausgekleidet, aber leider fehlt jetzt ein Teil davon auf dem Unterdeck des Innenraums und es hat sich mit dem Alter verfärbt. Die Oberseite des Deckels und die Seiten (einschließlich der oberen Kanten und Ecken) sind mit rotem, goldenem und grünem Dekorpapier besetzt, auf dem der Firmenname Grandavana aufgedruckt ist. Das Etikett des inneren Deckels hat eine hervorragende Anzeigequalität mit dem Lognamen Grandavana, einem Bild von ein paar Männern, die auf einem Tabakfeld mit Bauernhäusern im Hintergrund arbeiten. Auch die Wörter 5 Cent pro Stück und 25 Cent Packung erscheinen auf diesem Deckel! Es hat eingebrannte Aufdrucke direkt auf freiliegendem Holz auf der Oberseite des Deckels, auf dem Grandavana mit einem ausgefallenen Blattkunstdekor steht. Eingebranntes Emblem mit den Aufschriften International Union of America, Wood Workers und Union Made auf der Oberseite des Deckels. Die äußeren Seitenwände entsprechen denen des inneren Deckels. Ich glaube, das war ursprünglich auf beiden Seitenwänden abgebildet, aber auf einer Seite fehlt das Foto. Die äußeren Ecken des Kastens weisen einige Gebrauchsspuren auf und es fehlt stellenweise die Papierverkleidung, aber der Gesamtzustand ist angesichts des Alters gut. (Bitte sehen Sie alle Fotos in dieser Liste für eine genaue Ansicht). Original-Steuermarken aus blauem Papier sind vorhanden, aber aufgrund des Alters ist ein Teil des Papiers und des Drucks an einigen Stellen abgenutzt. Der Deckel der Box ist vom Alter her leicht verzogen. Und die Musselinbindung ist gebrochen. Die Worte Die hierin enthaltenen Zigarren wurden für den Einzelhandel zu jeweils nicht mehr als fünf Cent hergestellt und sind daher steuerpflichtig. Diese Box ist original und authentisch und wurde in keiner Weise gereinigt oder verändert. Gute alte Sammler-, Retro-, Vintage- und oftmals seltene Zigarrenschachteln sind eine besondere Note für jede Sammlung von “Oldie but Goodie” -Elementen! Wir garantieren, dass Sie diesen Artikel mit äußerster Sorgfalt verpacken, damit Sie sicher vor Ihrer Haustür ankommen. Bezirk PA und die Nummer 50. Ein Etikett mit der Aufschrift. Hinweis – Die Hersteller der hierin enthaltenen Zigarren haben alle gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllt. Jede Person wird darauf hingewiesen, weder diese Schachtel erneut für Zigarren noch den dortigen Stempel zu verwenden, um den Inhalt dieses Riegels nicht zu entfernen, ohne den Stempel darunter zu zerstören die gesetzlich vorgesehenen Strafen in solchen Fällen. Die Abmessungen dieser Zigarrenschachtel sind. 2,15 cm groß. Ich glaube, diese Größe der Zigarrenschachtel enthielt ursprünglich 50 Zigarren. Seriöse Sammler zahlen hohe Preise für historische, einzigartige und bedeutende Gegenstände in Top-Zustand. Auf dem Marktplatz wird oft um sehr alte und seltene Stücke gekämpft. Zwei Jahrhunderte lang tauchte jedes Mal, wenn jemand den Satz Zigarrenschachtel hörte, eine Vision eines Holzrechtecks auf, das mit Papieretiketten bedeckt war. Es sollte, weil Hunderte Millionen solcher Kartons hergestellt wurden. Sie werden von den Leuten, die sie herstellen, beschreibend als genagelte Holzkisten bezeichnet. Sie wurden in einer nahezu endlosen Vielfalt von Formen und Größen von kaum mehr als einem Zoll bis zu mehr als zwei Fuß Breite hergestellt. Der Deckel wird von einem Musselinstreifen angelenkt, der oben und hinten aufgeklebt ist. Das Scharnier und die Fugen, an denen sich Holzstücke treffen, sind normalerweise mit einem Papierstreifen bedeckt, der als Kante bezeichnet wird. Genagelte Holzkisten haben sich in fast 200 Jahren nur einmal geändert. Bis in die 1880er Jahre ruhten die Deckel auf allen vier Seiten einer Schachtel, wodurch sich die Deckel der 1870er Jahre abdrehen konnten, eine Tatsache, die von den heutigen Sammlern beklagt wurde. Boxmänner gestalteten die Deckel so um, dass sie vorne und hinten ruhten, aber zwischen den beiden Enden eingesetzt waren, wodurch ein Verdrehen verhindert wurde. Die beiden Deckeltypen werden heute als “Gesamtdeckel” und “eingesetzte Deckel” bezeichnet. Wenn ein Kunde einem Boxhersteller sagt, dass er eine zugeschnittene Box möchte, sagt er eine Abkürzung für. Die gesamte Schachtel soll mit Zoll breiten Papierstreifen eingefasst werden, die Innenseite des Deckels ist mit einem Papieretikett versehen, die Seiten und der Boden sind mit Papier ausgekleidet, und bei Bedarf werden verschiedene Etiketten, Klappen, Banner und Preisaufkleber angebracht. Die äußere Oberseite des Deckels muss mit einem Branding oder einer Beschriftung versehen sein, die Vorderseite kann mit dem Namen bedruckt sein, der der Größe und Form der Zigarre entspricht, und alle entsprechenden rechtlichen Hinweise sind auf der Schachtel angebracht oder aufgedruckt. Sie können sehen, warum die Leute es auf “getrimmt” verkürzt haben. Die meisten Verkleidungen wurden vom Boxhersteller aufgeklebt. Die Zigarrenfabrik fügte auch Kisten hinzu und brachte das äußere Etikett, die Farbmarkierung (an einem Ende), das Nageletikett und den Umsatzstempel an. Größen, Formen, Farben und Platzierung der Verzierungen haben sich im Laufe der Zeit nur geringfügig geändert. Trim ist der Name, den die Schachtelindustrie allen Etiketten und Markierungen gibt, die auf die eine oder andere Weise auf eine Zigarrenschachtel aufgebracht werden. Einige Verzierungen werden vom Kartonhersteller angebracht und andere Verzierungen werden von der Zigarrenfabrik eingefügt oder gestempelt, nachdem die Schachtel mit Zigarren gefüllt ist. Einige Trimmstücke können von beiden angewendet werden. Die meisten Verkleidungen sind optional. Einige sind gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Die großen Lithographen boten Kataloge mit Archivbildern an. Es wurden mehr als 250.000 Bilder berichtet, die alle möglichen Themen abdecken: hübsche Mädchen, berühmte Männer, Prominente, Tiere, lokale Szenen und Ereignisse… Wenn es sich vorstellen und zeichnen ließ, wurde es zu einem Zigarrenlabel. Die Nagelholzschachtel dominierte die Zigarrenindustrie, bis die Kosten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stiegen und die Verwendung von Pappschachteln gefördert wurde. Zigarrenschachteln sind Behälter, in denen Zigarren verkauft werden, im Gegensatz zu dekorativen hölzernen After-Market-Schachteln, sogenannten Humidoren, die von Tabakhändlern und Kaufhäusern, Handwerkern und Fachgeschäften leer verkauft werden, damit Raucher Zigarren auf einem Desktop aufbewahren können. Die klassische Form der Zigarrenverpackung, hergestellt aus einer Vielzahl von Hölzern wie kubanischem und honduranischem Mahagoni, Redwood, Linde und mehr als zwanzig anderen seltenen und gewöhnlichen Hölzern. Zigarrenfirmen, Schachtelhersteller und Sammler klassifizieren hölzerne Zigarrenschachteln als. Genageltes Holz mit Hardware. Die Schachteln wurden aus Dutzenden verschiedener Hölzer, Zinn, Aluminium, Messing, Silberplatte, Glas, Kunststoff, Pappe und anderen Materialien hergestellt. Boxen sind normalerweise für 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 oder 250 Zigarren ausgelegt, einige andere Größen sind jedoch zulässig. Sie sind oft reich verziert. Große und kleine Zigarrenfabriken des 19. Jahrhunderts stellten häufig ihre eigenen Kisten zusammen, oft die Aufgabe von Kindern in einem Familienunternehmen. Das Sammeln von dekorierten und neuartigen Zigarrenschachteln ist sowohl in Europa als auch in Nordamerika ein zunehmend beliebtes Hobby. Verkäufermuster, Waschtischetiketten und verschiedene Themen wie sports , Medizin, Politik oder hübsche Mädchen sind häufig Gegenstand der Aufmerksamkeit des Sammlers. Es gibt zwei Arten von Zigarrenschachteln: Holz und alles andere. Zwischen 1800 und 1960 bestanden rund 80% aller Zigarrenschachteln aus Holz. Das sind ungefähr (eine vernünftige Schätzung) hölzerne Zigarrenschachteln. Weitere Zigarrenschachteln wurden aus Pappe, Zinn, Glas, Kunststoff, Zinnfolie, Aluminium, Zinn, Messing, Porzellan, Keramik, Silberplatte und Palmblättern hergestellt. Erst nach dem Revenue Act von 1864 mussten alle Zigarren in Kartons verpackt werden, und 1865 erließ Präsident Lincoln ein Gesetz, nach dem sie in Bündeln von 25, 50, 100 oder 250 Stück verpackt werden mussten. Kurz danach wurden Zigarren billiger und verfügbarer, und viele der Schachteln, in die sie kamen, gelten auf dem heutigen Markt als Sammlerstücke. Perfekt als Humidor, Waffenkasten, Briefkasten oder alles andere, was Sie sich vorstellen können. Vor allem ein großartiger Gesprächsstoff, wie er stolz in Ihrer Sammlung angezeigt wird. Fast jeder hatte seine Schätze oder einige seiner persönlichen Gegenstände in einer alten Zigarrenschachtel verstaut. Und man muss zugeben, dass das Sehen einer alten Zigarrenschachtel immer einen Ansturm nostalgischer Erinnerungen hervorruft. Die erzwungenen engen Beziehungen von Menschen aus der Vergangenheit und der begrenzte Platz für die zusammenlebenden Familien – oft in einem Raum – erforderten eine ordnungsgemäße Identifizierung jedes persönlichen Gegenstands, so dass viele Menschen Zigarrenschachteln verwendeten, um ihre kleinen Habseligkeiten an Rasierutensilien, Toilettenartikeln und oft kostbarer Schmuck. Sie haben bis hierher gelesen und noch nicht auf die Schaltfläche “Jetzt kaufen” geklickt. Aktualisieren Sie diese Seite besser, da möglicherweise jemand anderes vor Ihnen mit dem Lesen begonnen hat und diese bereits gekauft hat. BENUTZEN SIE JETZT KAUFEN. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diesen Artikel erhalten! Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit, nachdem ich mich von etwas anderem ablenken ließ, klickte ich auf die Schaltfläche “Jetzt kaufen” in einem Angebot, um festzustellen, dass es bereits verkauft war! Der Nachteil von “Watch this item”. 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Weitere Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie im Abschnitt Feedback unten. Vielen Dank, dass Sie unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und Richtlinien gelesen, verstanden und ihnen zugestimmt haben. Wir freuen uns auf den Handel mit Qualitätskäufern wie Ihnen. Designierte Marken und Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. The item “Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box” is in sale since Thursday, May 23, 2019. This item is in the category “Sammeln & Seltenes\Tabak, Feuerzeuge & Pfeifen\Zigarren & Zubehör\Sonstige”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in Monticello, Illinois. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Herstellungsland und -region: Vereinigte Staaten

Grandavana Vintage Antik Leere Handgefertigt Holz Humidor Trimmed Zigarre Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
Hand Made Wooden Cigar Box. Factory No 4 50 23. 8.1/4 inches long. 5.5 inches wide. 2.5 inches tall. Partially paper lined interior. Paper trimmed outer box edges. Extremely rare, and virtually impossible to find. All Original and Authentic. Dont let this be the one that got away. NOTE: This is the last one of these I have. When its gone – its gone! This listing is for one vintage antique Grandavana handmade wooden cigar box in pre-owned condition. This item comes from a long time collector who is currently liquidating some personal items from inventory in which they have owned for several years. This particular collector has spent a lifetime collecting diverse items such as cast metal banks, cigar boxes, and other things of historic interest, etc, and has always stored such items in a curio-type display cabinet free from dust, sunlight or other elements. The muslin binding on the lid is broken so the lid no longer is attached to the box, but it still fits nicely for a good closure. I have adjusted the price according due to this flaw. Detailed Condition and Description. This is a standard-sized cigar box for 50 cigars, measuring approximately 8 1/4 by 5.5 by 2.5 inches. The box structure is complete, but the muslin binding is broken on the back of the lid. Partial original inner lining paper is still in place. The inside of this cigar box was lined with white paper at one time, but unfortunately, some of it is now missing from the bottom deck of the interior and it has become discolored with age. The top of the lid and the sides (including the top edges and corners) are trimmed with red, gold, and green decorative paper with the company name Grandavana printed throughout. The inner lid label has terrific display quality with Grandavana log name, picture of a couple men working in a tobacco field with farm houses in the back. Also the words 5cents each and 25 cent package appear on this lid! It has burnt-in imprinting directly on exposed wood on the top of the lid that reads Grandavana with a fancy leaf art work décor. Burnt-in emblem stamped International Union of America, Wood Workers, and Union Made on the top of the lid. The outside side walls pictures the same as the inside lid. I believe this originally was pictured on both side walls, but one side is missing the photo. The outside box corners show some wear and is missing the paper trim in places, but overall condition is good considering its age. (Please view all photos in this listing for an accurate view). The lid of the box is slightly warped from age. And the muslin binding is broken. This box is original and authentic and has not been cleaned or altered in any way. Good old collectible, retro, vintage and often times rare cigar boxes would be a special touch to anyone’s collection of “oldie but goodie” items! We guarantee to pack this item with extreme care for safe arrival to your doorstep. There is a stamping on the bottom of this box that reads. District of PA and the number 50. A label that reads. Notice – The manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained have complied with all the requirements of Law – Every person is cautioned not to use either this box for cigars again or the stamp there as again not to remove the contents of this bar without destroying said stamp under the penalties provided by Law in such cases. The dimensions of this cigar box are. 2.15 inches tall. I believe this size of cigar box originally held 50 cigars. Serious collectors pay high prices for historic, unique and significant items in top condition. Very old and rare pieces are often fought over in the market place. For two centuries, every time someone heard the phrase cigar box a vision of a wood rectangle covered with paper labels popped into their head. It should, because hundreds of millions of boxes like that have been made. Theyre descriptively called nailed wood boxes by the people who make them. They were manufactured in an almost endless variety of shapes and sizes from barely over one inch to more than two feet wide. Nailed Wood boxes are usually made from six pieces of wood: a top, a bottom, a front and back, and two end pieces nailed with fourteen nails, four in each end and six in the bottom. The lid is hinged by a strip of muslin glued to the top and back. The hinge and joints where pieces of wood meet are usually covered with a strip of paper called edging. Nailed wood boxes have changed only once in nearly 200 years. Until the 1880s lids rested on all four sides of a box, which allowed lids of the 1870s to twist off, a fact lamented by todays collectors. Box men redesigned lids so that they rested on the front and back, but were inset between the two ends, thus preventing twist. The two types of lid are today called overall lids and inset lids. When a customer tells a box maker he wants a trimmed box he is saying shorthand for. The entire box is to be edged with inch wide paper strips, the inside of the lid has a paper label, the sides and bottom are lined with paper, and various tags, flaps, banners and price stickers are attached as needed. The outside top of the lid is to be branded or labeled, the front may be imprinted with the name given that size and shape of cigar, and all proper legal notices are attached or printed on the box. You can see why people shortened it to trimmed. Most trim was pasted on by the box maker. The cigar factory also added trim to boxes, putting on the outer label, color mark (on one end), nail tag, and revenue stamp. Sizes, shapes, colors and placement of trim has changed only slightly over time. Trim is the name given by the box industry to all the labels and markings applied in one way or another to a cigar box. Some trim is applied by the box maker and other trim is pasted or stamped by the cigar factory after the box is packed full of cigars. A few pieces of trim may be applied by either. Most trim is optional. Some is required by law. The major lithographers offered catalogs of stock images. More than 250,000 images have been reported, covering every possible theme: pretty girls, famous men, celebrities, animals, local scenes and events… If it could be imagined and drawn, it became a cigar label. The Nailed Wood box dominated the cigar industry until rising costs after WWII encouraged the use of cardboard boxes. The classic form of cigar packaging, made from a variety of woods such as Cuban and Honduran mahogany, redwood, basswood, and more than twenty other rare and common woods. Cigar companies, box makers and collectors classify wooden cigar boxes as. Nailed wood with hardware. Ovelties or custom work. Boxes have been made of dozens of different woods, tin, aluminum, brass, silver plate, glass, plastic, cardboard, and other materials. Boxes are normally made to hold 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 250 cigars, though a few other sizes are permitted. They are often richly decorated. Nineteenth century cigar factories, large and small, frequently assembled their own boxes, often the task of children in a family enterprise. Collecting decorated and novelty cigar boxes is an increasingly popular hobby in both Europe and North America. Trimmed nailed wood boxes with interesting labels, novelty boxes in unusual shapes and printed tin boxes are the most popular. Salesmens samples, vanity labels, and various themes such as sports, medicine, politics or pretty girls are frequently objects of collectors attention. There are two kinds of cigar boxes: wood and everything else. Between 1800 and 1960 around 80% of all cigar boxes were made of wood. That amounts to somewhere around 8,000,000,000 (a reasonable estimate) wooden cigar boxes. Another 2,000,000,000 cigar boxes were made of cardboard, tin, glass, plastic, tin foil, aluminum, pewter, brass, china, ceramics, silverplate and palm leaves. It wasnt until the Revenue Act of 1864 that all cigars were required to be packed in boxes, and in 1865, President Lincoln enacted a law that required they be packed in bundles of 25, 50, 100, or 250. Shortly thereafter, cigars became cheaper and more available, and many of the boxes that they came in are considered collectible items in todays market. Perfect as a humidor, gun box, mailbox or anything else you can think of. Most of all, a great conversation piece as it proudly displays in your collection. Almost everybody had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box. And you have to admit, seeing an old cigar box always causes a rush of nostalgic memories. The forced close relationships of people from the past, and the limited space for the families living together- often in one room, necessitated proper identification of each personal item, so many people used cigar boxes to store their small belongings of shaving gear, toiletries and many times precious jewelry. What are you waiting for? Better refresh this page because someone else may have started reading before you and already bought this. To ensure you get this item! The downside of Watch this item. Don’t just be a watcher. Get in the game, make me an offer, make my day – No reasonable offer refused. We are eager to supply you with any further information you desire or answer questions you may have. Please be assured that you will receive prompt replies and find our information to be accurate and precise. Questions and answers about this item. Section at the bottom of this page. No charge for packaging materials or labor. Professional packing to protect your items. To check out our other items. Interest Free Layaway Available. To see what thousands of people have to say about doing business with us. We are not dealers, just a husband and wife clearing out an accumulation of spare stuff for the first time after 36 years together. We offer an honest and accurate description of all items (most of which we bought new) to the best of our ability, including our own original digital pictures of the actual item you will receive. If we have missed something in the description that you would like to know, please ask and we will be glad to accommodate. We have always been richly rewarded by our repeat customers since we know that if we do it right, they will tell two friends, but do it wrong and they will tell everybody! It takes a lifetime to earn an impeccable reputation like ours and we know that it only takes a moment to destroy it. This is why we have always dealt with our customers the way we would want to be treated. We are always willing to supply credible references that are easily VERIFIABLE through local business, government, and law enforcement upon request. We hope you will start with viewing our outstanding feedback record. Since statistically only about a third take the time to leave feedback, it is safe to assume that there are easily another 8,498 people (12,747 total) who are just as satisfied but did not take the time to post feedback. Believe me, unhappy people will almost always leave negative or neutral feedback, of which we have almost none, for good reason. To eliminate any possible misunderstanding, please do not assume or take for granted anything not specifically stated in listing description. We will reply as promptly as possible. Sales Information & Policies. We established in 1979 for our business and as stated herein. Only what is specified in the description and/or pictured is included. Bank wire transfers inside the. Must be via FedWire and from outside the. Via the SWIFT wire service (the same services most banks use). If credit cards are used, it is agreed that no charge-backs are allowed for any reason. Failure to do so will result in the item being considered unpaid and dealt with accordingly (see Unpaid Items section below). We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” – US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. United States of America. If regulations require us to prepare export documents, buyers outside of the. Buyers outside of the. If the contents are damaged, immediately notify the carrier of damage and preserve all contents and original packing materials for inspection. Claims for goods damaged in transit can take up to six weeks. Information provided to us will never be provided to any third party – unless you give express permission to do so. We will never use your personal or business information in any way that violates your privacy. When you provide any information to us, it will only be used in such a manner as has been made clear to you, with your acknowledgement and prior permission. And we must receive the item back within 14 days. All other return policies as stated herein apply. For additional terms & conditions, please see the Feedback Section below. Since we no longer have supervision or control over its care, treatment, maintenance, or modification once it leaves our possession, items are not eligible for return. Our feedback is extremely important to us. Thank you for reading, understanding, and agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies. We look forward to trading with quality buyers like you. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. The item “GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box” is in sale since Thursday, May 23, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectables\Tobacciana\Other Tobacciana”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in Monticello, Illinois. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box
Hand Made Wooden Cigar Box. Factory No 4 50 23. 8.1/4 inches long. 5.5 inches wide. 2.5 inches tall. Partially paper lined interior. Paper trimmed outer box edges. Extremely rare, and virtually impossible to find. All Original and Authentic. Dont let this be the one that got away. NOTE: This is the last one of these I have. When its gone – its gone! This listing is for one vintage antique Grandavana handmade wooden cigar box in pre-owned condition. This item comes from a long time collector who is currently liquidating some personal items from inventory in which they have owned for several years. This particular collector has spent a lifetime collecting diverse items such as cast metal banks, cigar boxes, and other things of historic interest, etc, and has always stored such items in a curio-type display cabinet free from dust, sunlight or other elements. The muslin binding on the lid is broken so the lid no longer is attached to the box, but it still fits nicely for a good closure. I have adjusted the price according due to this flaw. Detailed Condition and Description. This is a standard-sized cigar box for 50 cigars, measuring approximately 8 1/4 by 5.5 by 2.5 inches. The box structure is complete, but the muslin binding is broken on the back of the lid. Partial original inner lining paper is still in place. The inside of this cigar box was lined with white paper at one time, but unfortunately, some of it is now missing from the bottom deck of the interior and it has become discolored with age. The top of the lid and the sides (including the top edges and corners) are trimmed with red, gold, and green decorative paper with the company name Grandavana printed throughout. The inner lid label has terrific display quality with Grandavana log name, picture of a couple men working in a tobacco field with farm houses in the back. Also the words 5cents each and 25 cent package appear on this lid! It has burnt-in imprinting directly on exposed wood on the top of the lid that reads Grandavana with a fancy leaf art work décor. Burnt-in emblem stamped International Union of America, Wood Workers, and Union Made on the top of the lid. The outside side walls pictures the same as the inside lid. I believe this originally was pictured on both side walls, but one side is missing the photo. The outside box corners show some wear and is missing the paper trim in places, but overall condition is good considering its age. (Please view all photos in this listing for an accurate view). The lid of the box is slightly warped from age. And the muslin binding is broken. This box is original and authentic and has not been cleaned or altered in any way. Good old collectible, retro, vintage and often times rare cigar boxes would be a special touch to anyone’s collection of “oldie but goodie” items! We guarantee to pack this item with extreme care for safe arrival to your doorstep. There is a stamping on the bottom of this box that reads. District of PA and the number 50. A label that reads. Notice – The manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained have complied with all the requirements of Law – Every person is cautioned not to use either this box for cigars again or the stamp there as again not to remove the contents of this bar without destroying said stamp under the penalties provided by Law in such cases. The dimensions of this cigar box are. 2.15 inches tall. I believe this size of cigar box originally held 50 cigars. Serious collectors pay high prices for historic, unique and significant items in top condition. Very old and rare pieces are often fought over in the market place. For two centuries, every time someone heard the phrase cigar box a vision of a wood rectangle covered with paper labels popped into their head. It should, because hundreds of millions of boxes like that have been made. Theyre descriptively called nailed wood boxes by the people who make them. They were manufactured in an almost endless variety of shapes and sizes from barely over one inch to more than two feet wide. Nailed Wood boxes are usually made from six pieces of wood: a top, a bottom, a front and back, and two end pieces nailed with fourteen nails, four in each end and six in the bottom. The lid is hinged by a strip of muslin glued to the top and back. The hinge and joints where pieces of wood meet are usually covered with a strip of paper called edging. Nailed wood boxes have changed only once in nearly 200 years. Until the 1880s lids rested on all four sides of a box, which allowed lids of the 1870s to twist off, a fact lamented by todays collectors. Box men redesigned lids so that they rested on the front and back, but were inset between the two ends, thus preventing twist. The two types of lid are today called overall lids and inset lids. When a customer tells a box maker he wants a trimmed box he is saying shorthand for. The entire box is to be edged with inch wide paper strips, the inside of the lid has a paper label, the sides and bottom are lined with paper, and various tags, flaps, banners and price stickers are attached as needed. The outside top of the lid is to be branded or labeled, the front may be imprinted with the name given that size and shape of cigar, and all proper legal notices are attached or printed on the box. You can see why people shortened it to trimmed. Most trim was pasted on by the box maker. The cigar factory also added trim to boxes, putting on the outer label, color mark (on one end), nail tag, and revenue stamp. Sizes, shapes, colors and placement of trim has changed only slightly over time. Trim is the name given by the box industry to all the labels and markings applied in one way or another to a cigar box. Some trim is applied by the box maker and other trim is pasted or stamped by the cigar factory after the box is packed full of cigars. A few pieces of trim may be applied by either. Most trim is optional. Some is required by law. The major lithographers offered catalogs of stock images. More than 250,000 images have been reported, covering every possible theme: pretty girls, famous men, celebrities, animals, local scenes and events… If it could be imagined and drawn, it became a cigar label. The Nailed Wood box dominated the cigar industry until rising costs after WWII encouraged the use of cardboard boxes. The classic form of cigar packaging, made from a variety of woods such as Cuban and Honduran mahogany, redwood, basswood, and more than twenty other rare and common woods. Cigar companies, box makers and collectors classify wooden cigar boxes as. Nailed wood with hardware. Ovelties or custom work. Boxes have been made of dozens of different woods, tin, aluminum, brass, silver plate, glass, plastic, cardboard, and other materials. Boxes are normally made to hold 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 250 cigars, though a few other sizes are permitted. They are often richly decorated. Nineteenth century cigar factories, large and small, frequently assembled their own boxes, often the task of children in a family enterprise. Collecting decorated and novelty cigar boxes is an increasingly popular hobby in both Europe and North America. Trimmed nailed wood boxes with interesting labels, novelty boxes in unusual shapes and printed tin boxes are the most popular. Salesmens samples, vanity labels, and various themes such as sports, medicine, politics or pretty girls are frequently objects of collectors attention. There are two kinds of cigar boxes: wood and everything else. Between 1800 and 1960 around 80% of all cigar boxes were made of wood. That amounts to somewhere around 8,000,000,000 (a reasonable estimate) wooden cigar boxes. Another 2,000,000,000 cigar boxes were made of cardboard, tin, glass, plastic, tin foil, aluminum, pewter, brass, china, ceramics, silverplate and palm leaves. It wasnt until the Revenue Act of 1864 that all cigars were required to be packed in boxes, and in 1865, President Lincoln enacted a law that required they be packed in bundles of 25, 50, 100, or 250. Shortly thereafter, cigars became cheaper and more available, and many of the boxes that they came in are considered collectible items in todays market. Perfect as a humidor, gun box, mailbox or anything else you can think of. Most of all, a great conversation piece as it proudly displays in your collection. Almost everybody had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box. And you have to admit, seeing an old cigar box always causes a rush of nostalgic memories. The forced close relationships of people from the past, and the limited space for the families living together- often in one room, necessitated proper identification of each personal item, so many people used cigar boxes to store their small belongings of shaving gear, toiletries and many times precious jewelry. What are you waiting for? Better refresh this page because someone else may have started reading before you and already bought this. To ensure you get this item! The downside of Watch this item. Don’t just be a watcher. Get in the game, make me an offer, make my day – No reasonable offer refused. We are eager to supply you with any further information you desire or answer questions you may have. Please be assured that you will receive prompt replies and find our information to be accurate and precise. Questions and answers about this item. Section at the bottom of this page. No charge for packaging materials or labor. Professional packing to protect your items. To check out our other items. Interest Free Layaway Available. To see what thousands of people have to say about doing business with us. We are not dealers, just a husband and wife clearing out an accumulation of spare stuff for the first time after 36 years together. We offer an honest and accurate description of all items (most of which we bought new) to the best of our ability, including our own original digital pictures of the actual item you will receive. If we have missed something in the description that you would like to know, please ask and we will be glad to accommodate. We have always been richly rewarded by our repeat customers since we know that if we do it right, they will tell two friends, but do it wrong and they will tell everybody! It takes a lifetime to earn an impeccable reputation like ours and we know that it only takes a moment to destroy it. This is why we have always dealt with our customers the way we would want to be treated. We are always willing to supply credible references that are easily VERIFIABLE through local business, government, and law enforcement upon request. We hope you will start with viewing our outstanding feedback record. Since statistically only about a third take the time to leave feedback, it is safe to assume that there are easily another 8,498 people (12,747 total) who are just as satisfied but did not take the time to post feedback. Believe me, unhappy people will almost always leave negative or neutral feedback, of which we have almost none, for good reason. To eliminate any possible misunderstanding, please do not assume or take for granted anything not specifically stated in listing description. We will reply as promptly as possible. Sales Information & Policies. We established in 1979 for our business and as stated herein. Only what is specified in the description and/or pictured is included. Bank wire transfers inside the. Must be via FedWire and from outside the. Via the SWIFT wire service (the same services most banks use). If credit cards are used, it is agreed that no charge-backs are allowed for any reason. Failure to do so will result in the item being considered unpaid and dealt with accordingly (see Unpaid Items section below). We do not mark merchandise values below value or mark items as “gifts” – US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. United States of America. If regulations require us to prepare export documents, buyers outside of the. Buyers outside of the. If the contents are damaged, immediately notify the carrier of damage and preserve all contents and original packing materials for inspection. Claims for goods damaged in transit can take up to six weeks. Information provided to us will never be provided to any third party – unless you give express permission to do so. We will never use your personal or business information in any way that violates your privacy. When you provide any information to us, it will only be used in such a manner as has been made clear to you, with your acknowledgement and prior permission. And we must receive the item back within 14 days. All other return policies as stated herein apply. For additional terms & conditions, please see the Feedback Section below. Since we no longer have supervision or control over its care, treatment, maintenance, or modification once it leaves our possession, items are not eligible for return. Our feedback is extremely important to us. Thank you for reading, understanding, and agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies. We look forward to trading with quality buyers like you. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. The item “GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box” is in sale since Saturday, April 4, 2015. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Tobacciana\Cigars\Cigar Boxes”. The seller is “flawless-transactions” and is located in Monticello, Illinois. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

GRANDAVANA Vintage Antique Empty Hand Made Wooden Humidor Trimmed Cigar Box